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Announcements - Friday, November 20, 2020

Today: Student Council meeting in Room 104 during lunch.

Books due today:


Overdue books/fines:

Luke Popkes—overdue books—60¢

Brayden Krugman—overdue book—10¢

Ryanne Pistulka—overdue book—10¢

Addy Shald—overdue book—10¢

JH Rotating period: Monday will be an “A” day.

Tardy Policy: Student must be in their 1st period classroom prior to the 8:00 a.m. bell. Students who are tardy to school must report to the office to sign-in, present an excuse, and receive an admit slip before reporting to class. Junior High and High School students will serve a tardy detention after school the same day that they are tardy. For periods 2 – 8, students will be considered tardy to class and issued a detention (with that classroom teacher), after school the same day that they are tardy. JH/HS – 3 tardies will equal 1 unexcused absence to school.

Tuesday, November 24th: JH Wrestling at Ainsworth – 2:00 p.m. (no spectator’s).

Wednesday, November 25th: One Act JH/HS performance – 11:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. dismissal.

Home and School will again this year be sponsoring the Coat Drive for CNCS and Bright Horizons. Boxes will be set out in the schools from Nov. 30 through December 17th. Due to Covid, please wash coats that are not new before you place them in the box. If you have any questions, please call Emily Banks at 402-881-6735. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Today’s Lunch Monday’s Lunch

Popcorn Chicken Sloppy Joe on WG Bun

Mashed Potatoes Tri Tater

Corn Baked Beans

Dinner Roll Fruit


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